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Masterclasses with the Zemlinsky Quartet (CZ)
19 & 20 May 2022
Since 2015, as part of the semi-finals of the Queen Elisabeth Competition - and with their support - Ekho vzw and Atelier Flagey have been presenting major international exhibitions of contemporary violin and bow making, allowing musicians to try out instruments and bows from craftsmen all over the world.
Alongside the exhibition, we organise concerts, workshops and conferences.
This year, for the second time, we are also offering public Masterclasses, dedicated to the string quartet and open to young ensembles.
Each quartet will have 1 class with each member of the Zemlinsky Quartet (4 classes per quartet).
- Places are limited to 4 string quartets - students, professionals and amateurs are welcome.
- Masterclasses are open to the public.
- The student quartets are invited to perform at the closing of the exhibition on 21 May.
- The fee is 50 euro per day per musician.
This price includes coaching, lunch and coffee breaks.
It does not include accommodation and travel.
- These Masterclasses will take place in the Espace Lumen (36 chaussée de Boondael in Ixelles), a stone's throw from Place Flagey and the Maison de Quartier Malibran.
If you are interested or have any questions, please send us a presentation of your quartet and its members to the following e-mail address: or by phone at 0476/310 223 (Marcelline Bosquillon).
A confirmation of registration will be sent to you.
Deadline for registration: 20 April 2022
​ in collaboration with Chamber Music on the Go